Rotini pasta is tossed with tomato and basil sauce with garlic and blended with lots of shredded mozzarella and Parmigiano cheese; dinner's on the table...
Italian sausages and green peppers are grilled, then served over penne pasta tossed with tiny sweet tomatoes and fresh basil. Shredded Parmesan cheese...
Roasted tomatoes, asparagus, onion and tasty browned chicken meatballs are tossed with linguini, fresh basil and grated Parmesan cheese in this quick,...
My grandmother always made this recipe when she would have us over for dinner. This recipe is super easy and very delicious. The aroma of it cooking fills...
A quick Italian style dish like this makes dinner a snap. Brown some sausage, and mix with your favorite spaghetti sauce, then serve over any type of pasta....
Rotini pasta is tossed with tomato and basil sauce with garlic and blended with lots of shredded mozzarella and Parmigiano cheese; dinner's on the table...
This traditional Italian spaghetti dish from Tuscany is a delicious combination of ground beef, pork, San Marzano tomatoes, and fresh herbs in a red wine...
Reports Trisha Kruse of Boise, Idaho, This tantalizing glaze was inspired by a chicken dish I enjoyed in Vermont. I decided to try it with salmon...and...
We pair toasty, whole-wheat pasta with broccoli and chickpeas in this hearty taste of the Mediterranean. Our versatile Hot Pepper Garlic Sauce--one of...
Reports Trisha Kruse of Boise, Idaho, This tantalizing glaze was inspired by a chicken dish I enjoyed in Vermont. I decided to try it with salmon...and...
This light and flavorful dish features Swanson® Premium Chunk Chicken Breast and an assortment of fresh vegetables tossed with cooked spaghetti, Parmesan...
Shrimp are quickly cooked in a zesty sauce with chopped anchovies, kalamata olives, and red pepper flakes then tossed with angel hair pasta in this Italian-inspired...
Chicken chunks are quickly browned in a skillet and simmered in a zesty prepared sauce. The chicken, cooked penne, spinach and prepared cheese sauce are...